Client: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Total Contract Value: $18,826,681
Construction of the FY12 NAVY MILCON Project P-956, including buildings and supporting facilities on the Waterfront Site at NSA Bahrain, including: a) Climate Controlled Warehouse An 8,358sm single-story metal building system structure designed to accommodate the climate controlled storage needs of tenants assigned to the waterfront area. The storage areas are segregated and secured through the use of wire mesh partitions with lockable gates. b) Combat Vehicle/Equipment Wash Rack The Combat Vehicle/Equipment Wash Rack includes a pavement designed to accommodate two trailer mounted boats and features an adjacent equipment building. This facility includes a sunshade structure with a clear height of 4000mm. c) Fleet Recreation Center The Fleet Recreation Center is a 490sm single-story facility housing MWR activities associated with Navy personnel on shore leave from nearby ships. The building includes laundry facilities, snack vending, toilet rooms, multipurpose rooms, and an electronics check-out counter. The Fleet Recreation Center is located adjacent to a planned pedestrian mall. The Fleet Recreation Center includes requirements for fixtures, furniture and equipment (FF&E). Under this contract the mall area adjacent to the Fleet Recreation Center will be developed as a landscaped corridor for pedestrian circulation. d) Transformer Building The Transformer Building is a 207 square-meter single-story building designed to accommodate transformers and generators associated with the installation of power generation and distribution system. The design is a modified site-adapt of a similar building that was constructed on the main NSA installation. The facility is divided into two spaces with transformers located in one and generators in the other. e) Irrigation Pump Building and Distribution Main The Irrigation Pump Building is a 46 square meter concrete and masonry building design to house pumps and other equipment associated with the Waterfront Site irrigation system. f) Vehicle Sunshade The Vehicle Sunshade is a 580 square meter fabric covered steel structure designed to provide shading for up to 36 vehicles. g) Expansion of Waste Water Treatment Plant This is the Phase III expansion of the Waste Water Treatment Plant. A third treatment train will be added to increase capacity by 380 cubic meters per day.